Best rated games of 2012.

I know I'm late with the post since it's already june 2013, but anyway I've got a list of best rated games that came out in 2012, was a good year for gamers, some pretty amazing and exciting game came out which saw amazing response too, here a list of 30 best games that came out in the year 2012. They are categorized completely randomly, 30 being as good as 1.

30. Lone survivor

29. Dragon's Dogma 

28. Need For Speed: Most Wanted 2012

27. Torchlight II

26. The Unfinished Swan

25. The Secret World

24. May Payne 3

23. Tokyo Jungle

22. Thirty Flights Of Loving

21. Assassin's Creed III

20. Far Cry 3

19. Trials Evolution

18. Dear Esther

17. Papo & Yo

16. Diablo III

15. Borderlands 2

14. Halo 4

13. FTL: Faster Than Light

12. Spec Ops: The Line

11. Fez

10. Sound Shapes

9. Mark Of The Ninja

8. Dyad

7. Spelunky

6. XCOM: Enemy Unknown

5. Mass Effect 3

4. Hotline Miami

3. Dishonored

2. Journey

1. The Walking Dead

See also: