Art of Darksiders

The Horsemen are drawing nearer
On the leather steeds they ride
They have come to take your life
On through the dead of night
With the four Horsemen ride
Or choose your fate and die

This Action-Adventure Hack and Slash game featuring the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse has one of the most exceptional and polished art. Its filled with angels, demons and various other races. They are the dwellers of Heaven, Hell and the Earth. Today, we shall look into the Art of Darksiders series. The creative team was lead by Joe Madureira and concept artists like Jonathan Kirtz and Avery Coleman have worked on the series. Some of the characters have been taken from mythology, description of which I have given below:
These are strong warrior race from Heaven. Their eyes vary from commonly blue to yellow or white. They have white hair and white forehead tattoos with armored wings. Angels possess superhuman physical powers and they wield weapons like Angel Lances, Salvation/Redemption Canons and Orthos. 

Azrael is the Archangel of Death in some traditions. He is also the angel of retribution in Islamic theology and Sikhism It is an English form of the Arabic name ʿIzrāʾīl.

Archon is a Greek word that means "ruler" or "lord," frequently used as the title of a specific public office. It is the masculine present participle of the verb stem ἀρχ-, meaning "to rule," derived from the same root asmonarchhierarchy, and anarchy.

Uriel : In the traditions and hagiography of the Episcopal and other Anglican churches, Uriel is mentioned as an archangel. He is also recognized as the Patron Saint of the Sacrament of Confirmation. He is celebrated in the Anglican liturgical calendars on the Feast of the Archangels. However in the game this character is a female. 

Other Angelic Figures

Demons are the residers and rulers of the second kingdom, Hell. Their eyes are mostly blue and yellow with black hair or none at all. They are rarely armored, have wings and are often large in size. They are characterized by blood lust, selfishness, cruelty and brutality.  

Lilith is a Hebrew name for a figure in Jewish mythology, developed earliest in the Babylonian Talmud, who is generally thought to be in part derived from a class of female demons Līlīṯu in Mesopotamian texts of Assyria and Babylonia.

Samael also SammaelSamil, and more obscurely, Malkira meaning "king of the wicked" is an important archangel in Talmudic and post-Talmudic lore, a figure who is accuser, seducer and destroyer, and has been regarded as both good and evil. It is said that he was the guardian angel of Esau and a patron of the Roman empire.

Other Demons :

Fallen ( Former Angels )



Phantom Guard

These are the ancient endangered hybrids of angels and demons made by the demon Lilith. Nephimins are the servants and enforces of The Charead Council. They possess incredible physical powers and magical abilities.





The Undead
These characters are re-animated corpses and raised spirits that can come into being either as a result of being in the Kingdom of the Dead or through the use of necromancy. They reside in hell and their eyes are often green.

The Wailing Host


The Jailer


Abyssal Creatures
Abyssal Creatures are Old One monstrosities from the Abyss, a chaotic realm of primordial darkness. They are often characterized by their mammoth proportions and immensely variable appearances.  

The Old Ones


The Charred Council

Other Characters

The Watcher


 Vengeful spirit



Dust is featured in Darksiders II. He is Death's crow and his guide throughout the game. 

Despair is Death's phantom horse. He has a skeletal appearance and has a glowing green haze emitting from withing his body. It's one of my favorite characters from the series. His skin is rotted and with some of his bones showing. 

Ruin - The steed of War

Canopy Spiders

Artifacts and Weapons

Devil Card

 Book of Dead

 Angelic Lance

 Uriel's Angelic Sword

Death's Scythe
Locations and Other Concept Art

 Tormented Gate

 The Ashlands

 Well of Souls

Rferences :
Darksiders I
Darksiders II