Bioshock Infinite Review

One of the rarest and most overwhelming fact of a game would be completely getting attached to the character and losing yourself in the game. The art work, the graphics, the game play, the story line …. Everything at once! It’s one the most deserving titles of the year so far worth shedding money.
You know the game is amazing when for the next 8-10 hours you get so deeply attached to the role you are playing and lose yourself in it. Bioshock Infinite does that to you! Infinite is very much story driven which is quite intriguing and somewhat emotionally captivating.

You will be bewitched by the art; it is mesmerizing. The whole look and feel of the game is bright and serene. Right from the moment you land in the airborne city of Columbia when you find yourself in the charismatic church with water pools and floating candles. Especially when you are going down the church stairs and the water is running on the surface the light reflected by the candles is just astonishing.

“Bring us the girl and wipe away the debt”

You play as Booker Dewitt, a disgraced Pinkerton agent who is given a job of finding a woman named Elizabeth. Booker is suffering from a massive amount of debt from gambling hired by the Lutece Twins to “Bring us the girl and wipe away the debt” deal. And so the journey of Dewitt begins.
The story is set in 1912, the city of Columbia. Booker’s first mission is to rescue Elizabeth from the Monument Island. During the rescue mission Booker discovers that Elizabeth has a special ability which enables her to open portals through dimensional space and time called tears. Elizabeth’s ability is later used as an advantage throughout the game. The story itself requires a lot of attention so make sure you are paying attention to what’s happening in the sequence as later you will have to connect all the threads which will lead to better understanding of the plot. The main antagonist, Zachary Hale Comstock is the leader of ‘The Founders’; the ultra-nationalist party which was founded in the floating city of Columbia. He is treated as the God and claims to have the ability to predict the future of the city. Its rare to have a common person be the protagonist and the antagonist at the same time. Confusing, is it? Well, Infinite is about parallel universe, rather many parallel universes where the man that would become Comstock is an alternative version of Booker. The reason you will find while you play the game and also the secret of Elizabeth’s ability. At the beginning it would all seem vague but at the end everything will fall into place and it would all make sense, well quite enough to convince you.

Moving on to gameplay, bioshock Infinite features infinite environments, weapons, powers and enemies. Booker can gain powers from various vigors and gears found throughout the city. The antagonist can find up to 8 different kinds of vigors and multiple gears that will help him in combat. Elizabeth accompanies Booker in 80% of the game. Her ability of opening tears can help you pull in covers, ammo, weapons, health kits, salts and more. Moreover, you don’t need to protect Elizabeth while in combat as she can take care of herself. Well the truth is that the game is not designed to attack her when she is with Booker; the poor lad has to do all the fighting and die many times as well. Combat also takes place while travelling through sky-lines which is the main mode of transport in Columbia. The game also has several different species of enemies, one of them being the Song Bird which later becomes an ally. The ending of the game is most action-packed and enjoyable.


Throughout the game you will feel that Booker and Elizabeth share some sort of connection and the end is pretty blue. But as the name suggests Bioshock infinite is indeed infinite. It is exactly the perfect example of how games should be made, achieving the utmost perfection in plot, art and gameplay. What else do you ask for? Even after the game is finished you feel like you yourself experienced whatever happened in the game. As said earlier Bioshock infinite is emotionally captivating. This game is the answer to the very old argument about which is important among gameplay and graphics. Well, both of them are! We as gamers look for everything at once. A truly incredible and remarkable masterpiece by Irrational Games delivers what most of us expect from this generation’s game developers. 

Art/Graphics - 8
Gameplay - 9
Story - 9
Concept - 7

See also : Dishonored Concept Art